


Singapore is a strategically important trade hub in the Far East – a perfect location for our Asian office.

Simex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is centrally located at Jalan Kilang. Our Singapore office caters to the Far East market mainly dealing in skin care and cosmetics.
Simex Asia Pacific Pte Ltd is an independent and self-financing operation with a steady n annual growth rate of more than 30% for the past 10 years.

Appenzell, Switzerland

Our Swiss office is uniquely located in Appenzell, about a one hour drive from Zürich Airport and 20 Minutes away from the EU-border.

It is an office cum warehouses of more than 10'000+ square meters with Swiss customs bond facilities. We cater to all traditional and new European markets as well as Middle-Eastern and African Markets.

Altstätten, Switzerland

With an in-house transport/forwarding agent to handle the logistics, our Swiss office adheres to the tradition of Swiss punctuality by ensuring timely deliveries to customers worldwide.